Category news

SEO is a Long-Term but Essential Investment: Here’s Why

Most entrepreneurs are familiar with the necessity of long-term investment. Traditionally, the focus is on capital spending such as property, machinery and R&D. Marketing, however, is often associated with short-terms goals. The objective of most ad campaigns is to boost…

How to Use Facebook Ads: A Quick Guide

With nearly 2 billion daily users, Facebook is now one of the world’s most popular and effective advertising platforms. In 2021, digital advertising accounted for 65.2 % of total worldwide ad revenue [1] and Facebook has the largest share of…

Why Use Google Ads (PPC) to drive traffic?

There are many examples of successful brand names crossing over into generic usage, such as Cashpoint, Hoover and Xerox. All of these words are brand names but they’ve come to describe any device that performs a similar function. The latest…